Town of Queensbury Community Survey

Queensbury, NY

The purpose of this community survey is to help the Town determine current values and priorities of Queensbury residents, stakeholders, and visitors for the future of our community. Your responses will serve to inform and guide the Town’s subsequent efforts to update our 2007 Comprehensive Plan.
1.Please select the options that best describe you. (select all that apply)
2.Using the map above, in what area of the Town do you live?
3.What age group do you fall in ?
4.why do you choose to live in or visit the Town of Queensbury? Select up to three (3)
5.Of the following, which are the most important characteristics found in the Town? (select all that apply)
6.What types of development would you encourage or discourage in the Town? (you may expand on your answer in Question 7)
Mixed-use buildings with residential and commercial (Aviation Road, Quaker Road, Bay Road, Main Street, Route 9, Route 149)
Professional Offices (e.g. medical, legal, accounting, consulting, etc.)
Short-term Rentals
Public outdoor recreation
Tourism based (B&B, gift shops)
Protection of natural areas/open space
Retail Stores
Residential – Accessory Apartments (e.g. rental unit is included within single-family home/lot)
Residential Multi-Family – Apartments
Residential Multi-Family – Condominiums
Residential – Single Family Homes
Residential – Single-Family Townhomes/Duplexes (Aviation Road, Quaker Road, Bay Road, Main Street, Route 9, Route 149)
Residential – “Age-Friendly” Single Family homes for seniors (e.g. single floor living, ranch style)
Affordable/workforce housing
Senior Assisted Living Community (Aviation Road, Quaker Road, Bay Road, Main Street, Route 9, Route 149)
Independent Senior Living Community (Aviation Road, Quaker Road, Bay Road, Main Street, Route 9, Route 149)
Light Industrial/Manufacturing
Large-scale solar fields
7.Optional: If you'd like to expand on any of your answers to Question 6 or specify geographic locations of the land uses, please do so here:
8.What types of businesses and services do you routinely use that you wish were closer to your home or neighborhood?
9.For the Town as a whole, when planning for future housing / residential development, which of the following should the Town prioritize?
10.Optional: Based on your response to Question 9, where should such housing / residential development be located?
11.During the next ten (10) years, what would you like to see get additional emphasis (investment, permitting, policy changes, etc.) in your neighborhood or area? Please select as many as apply (the following list is not in any order of priority):
12.During the next ten (10) years, what would you like to see get additional emphasis (investment, permitting, policy changes, etc.) in the Town as a whole? Please select as many as apply (the following list is not in any order of priority):
13.The Town of Queensbury currently collaborates with neighboring municipalities in a number of ways (wastewater and fire department efforts with Glens Falls, etc.). How can these collaborative measures be enhanced?
14.In fifteen (15) years, what three words would you like to be able to use to describe the Town of Queensbury to your friends / children / grandchildren?
15.The one thing this survey failed to address is: