
The Quality Learning Community (QLC) is a voluntary learning community open to HIV service providers, consumers, funders, and stakeholders who want to participate in a quality network to improve HIV/AIDS services and access trainings and promising practices in the quality management field. A survey will be sent to all interested early in 2017. The QLC plans on meeting 6 times in 2017, there is no obligation to attend these meetings, these meetings are open to whomever wishes to attend. By registering for the Quality Learning Community you are stating your interest in receiving emails for a survey on quality management and event notices on quality trainings. 

Purpose and Outcomes – To improve the quality of HIV/AIDS services in Minnesota through training, technical assistance, and collaborative learning for funders, providers, and consumers of publicly funded HIV/AIDS services.

Membership - People will self-select into the learning community and may participate as long as it is helpful to them. This learning community is open to anyone with an interest or stake in HIV/AIDS services in Minnesota. 

Roles and Responsibilities – The following are the roles and responsibilities of the QLC:
  • Training and Technical Assistance – Members will have the opportunity to participate in regular trainings and request TA.  Technology will be used to enable people throughout Minnesota to attend trainings and receive TA remotely in order to remove travel as a barrier to involvement in the QLC.
  • Advise – Members of the QLC may be asked to provide input to the QMAC or to the funders on a voluntary basis.  The request for input may be about issues related to quality management training and technical assistance needs.  They may also be asked to comment on the Funders annual quality goals and strategies, as well as other issues related to quality management plans.
  • Networking and Recruiting – Participants will have an opportunity to network with their peers on a regular basis at trainings and meetings of the QLC.  The QLC will promote the use of technology to enable people to network in between meetings and increase remote access to meetings and trainings.  Participants will also be asked to inform others about the Quality Learning Community and encourage them to participate if they might find it helpful.
Please take a few minutes to complete registration on the next pages. Please contact Anika Kaleewoun at for more information.