Waterways Ireland draft Heritage & Biodiversity Plan 2030 Survey

1.Waterways Ireland wants to prioritise the preservation, protection and promotion of natural, built and cultural heritage along our shared waterways, including safeguarding the ecosystems that are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Do you think this plan achieves this aim?
2.Which aspects of our waterways heritage & biodiversity do you consider the most important to prioritise over the life of the Plan? Please answer in order of importance, with 1 being the most important.
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Archaeology & Monuments
Architectural Heritage
Industrial Heritage
Underwater Cultural Heritage
Floating Heritage
Heritage Objects & Archives
Music and The Arts
Oral History and Folklore
Local history
3.Objective 1 in the draft plan is to ‘develop a solid foundation of high quality and openly accessible waterways heritage and biodiversity knowledge’.

Will realising this objective address how natural, built and/or cultural heritage can be managed, valued and protected until 2030?
4.Objective 2 is to ‘ensure that Waterways Ireland’s management of heritage and biodiversity is integrated across the organisation’s activities and external partnerships, to support alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’.

Will realising this objective address how natural, built and/or cultural heritage can be managed, valued and protected until 2030?
5.Do you consider this plan sufficiently outlines a pathway for Waterways Ireland's to integrate heritage and biodiversity management in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
6.Objective 3 is to ‘strengthen and support inspiring heritage and biodiversity experiences across our shared waterways’.

Will realising this objective address how natural, built and/or cultural heritage can be managed, valued and protected until 2030?
7.How effective do you find Waterways Ireland's current digital heritage resources in reaching and engaging you?
Very Effective
Very Ineffective
Waterways Ireland website containing heritage surveys, ecological reports, toolkits, activity sheets.
Digital Archive & Oral Histories
Waterways Through Time podcast series
Stories from the Waterways
Virtual Reality Canal Experience
Google Waterway Street View (Shannon, Royal Canal, The Barrow)
8.What improvements would you suggest for Waterways Ireland's process of gathering and responding to feedback on heritage and biodiversity issues?
9.What feedback mechanisms would you find helpful in responding to Waterways Ireland heritage and biodiversity issues?
10.Waterways Ireland has many heritage and biodiversity initiatives - are you aware of the following:
Heritage & Biodiversity Community Grant Scheme
Waters & Communities Tidy Towns Special Award
Collaborations with third level colleges and schools
Heritage Open Days
Specialist advice & support to community groups
11.In what areas do you think Waterways Ireland could improve its heritage and biodiversity management?
12.Waterways Ireland aims to support community engagement and education in conservation initiatives to raise awareness about heritage and foster a sense of stewardship and encourage sustainable practices. Do you think this plan achieves this aim
13.Are you satisfied with how Waterways Ireland collaborates and partners with stakeholders?
14.In your opinion, does this draft plan address the challenges posed by the current climate and biodiversity crises on waterways heritage assets?
15.In your opinion, what more could more be done to improve the integration of heritage and biodiversity management with broader Waterways Ireland activities? Please give example(s)
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered