Question Title

* 1. How many books do you buy for work each year?

Question Title

* 2. How interested are you in updated information about the following?

  Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested
Guidance for Survey Coordinators
Tools for new accreditation professionals
Staff Training for individual Joint Commission chapters
CMS Compliance

Question Title

* 3. If  we wrote a book on these topics, would you buy them?

  Very Interested Somewhat Interested  Not interested
Improving Hospital Cyber-security
Suicide prevention and ligature risk
Creating a High Reliability Organization 
Working with police in healthcare
Hospital Survey Violations photo book
Legionella, waterborne pathogens, and water management 
OSHA Compliance
Natural disaster preparation and planning

Question Title

* 4. Are there any other topics about which you'd like to receive training and information in 2018?

Question Title

* 5. In which formats would you prefer to receive HCPro books?

Question Title

* 6. Have you have bought a book from HCPro or Decision Health before? If so, what was it and were you happy with it?

Question Title

* 7. If you would like to participate in focus groups or calls with HCPro in the future about our content, please provide your contact information.