Legal Services Vermont and Vermont Legal Aid are looking for information about unmet civil legal needs in Vermont. Please take a few minutes to answer our survey. Your response is anonymous and confidential.

We want to hear from as many people as possible, so please feel free to distribute this link widely. We are especially interested in hearing from people who have legal issues and are having trouble getting access to a lawyer.

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* 1. Have you ever used the services of Vermont Legal Aid or Legal Services Vermont (formerly “Law Line”)?

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* 2. Vermont Legal Aid and Legal Services Vermont provide free civil (not criminal) legal services to Vermonters who qualify for our services. Of the following areas, please check the three most important legal area where we should offer help.

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* 3. From your perspective, what are the most pressing civil (not criminal) legal needs you see in your community?

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* 4. From your perspective, what are the most important civil (not criminal) legal areas where people need help but can’t get it?

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* 5. Are there barriers that prevent Vermonters from getting civil legal services? What are they?

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* 6. What can Vermont Legal Aid and Legal Services Vermont do to make it easier to access our services?

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* 7. Have you used the web site?

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* 8. What legal resources would be most helpful to have on a statewide web site?

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* 9. Do you have any thoughts about other ways that we can serve Vermonters better?

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* 11. My gender is:

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* 12. I identify myself as (please check all that apply):

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* 13. Have you been involved with any civil (not criminal) legal actions in the last three years?

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* 14. If yes, were you able to get an attorney to help you?

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* 15. How do you know about Vermont Legal Aid and Legal Services Vermont?

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* 16. Thanks for your help! If you want to find out more, please visit Vermont’s legal help website, Is there anything else you would like us to know?