ACHA are reviewing our Estate Management Policy. We are seeking your views on the proposed new draft policy.

We have listed below the main changes to the Policy and we would like to hear your views on these. You can also view the full draft Policy by clicking the following link:

Alternatively, if you would like a hard copy of the policy please do not hesitate to make contact with us on 0800 028 2755.

Your response to the survey is very important to us and your views will be used to assist us in developing the final Estate Management Policy.

Question Title

* 1. ACHA previously produced Estate Management newsletters for each area twice a year in addition to the Tenants newsletter which is also produced twice a year. The Estate management newsletters for each area were put on our website but not posted out to residents. The proposal is now to incorporate pages dedicated to local area estate issues within the main tenant’s newsletter which is either emailed or posted out to tenants twice a year. This means that all tenants and allotment holders will now receive a copy of the estate management pages of the newsletter rather than it only being available to view on our website.

Do you agree with this change?

Question Title

* 2. Previously estate improvements were approved by Local Area Committees, as ACHA no longer have local area committees, we have removed reference to this within the policy document. Estate improvements are now taken forward following requests and ideas from residents or issues highlighted to staff at the estate walkabouts and also via local area staff from their estate inspections.

Do you agree with this approach?

Question Title

* 3. There was previously a separate Allotment Policy but this has now been incorporated into the Estate management policy. It is still supported by a separate Allotment procedure to assist staff in the allocation and management of allotments owned by the Association.

Do you agree with this approach?

Question Title

* 4. Allotments were previously allocated in priority of tenants, schools and community groups, then local residents. Priority within these groups was given to the applicant who lived closest to the allotment site. This has now changed so priority is still given to tenants, then schools and community groups, then local residents but within these groups priority is now given to the applicant who has been on the waiting list the longest.

Do you agree with this approach?

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* 5. Previously rents for allotments were increased annually by the same increase approved by our Board for residential properties. Now allotment rents will be set separately and the proposed rent will be approved by our Board.

Do you agree with this approach?

Question Title

* 6. If you have any further comments to make please provide them in the box below. If you would like a personal response to your comment(s) please provide your contact details.

Question Title

* 7. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please complete your contact details (leave blank if preferred)