Welcome to our World 100 Pick'Em Contest presented by DirtOnDirt.com . We hope you have a fun time playing and it helps make the racing a bit more interesting! Please remember to answer all questions and please remember to write your selections down so you can follow and track your progress.  Thank you for playing and good luck! 

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your player name or alias

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* 2. Please enter your email address (used only for winning notifications) 

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* 3. Please enter your twitter handle if you have one. If not simply write "none"

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* 4. Please Select ONE (1) driver from the following list

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* 5. Please select TWO (2) Drivers from the following list

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* 6. Please select TWO (2) Drivers from the following list

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* 7. Tiebreaker: How many cars will be in the pits on Saturday 9/8