Union Membership Survey for 2025 Negotiations. Question Title * 1. Are you a member of UAW Local 967? Yes No Question Title * 2. Please provide your Employee information: First and Last name: Employee Number: Job Occupation: Question Title * 3. Please provide your email address (optional): Question Title * 4. What is your last date of hire, (Seniority Date) at L3Harris Greenville? Date / Time Date Question Title * 5. Please rank the following issues in order of importance to you. Question Title * 6. What are the 3 most critical improvements would you like to see to improve working conditions for our membership as a whole? 1. 2. 3. Question Title * 7. What are the 3 most critical improvements would you like to see to improve working conditions for you and your immediate coworkers? 1. 2. 3. Question Title * 8. What improvements do you want to see to help you and your family? Question Title * 9. How likely are you to participate in union activities to support the negotiation process if opportunities arise? Very likely Neutral Unlikely Not at all Question Title * 10. What issues, if any have you had with the use of Short-Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Paid Parental Leave, Retirement Benefits, FMLA, Workers Compensation, or any other employer sponsored benefits? Please provide details. Question Title * 11. Do you have any specific feedback or suggestions for improvements to our contract? If so, please provide details and context explaining...1. What the issue is.2. What you would like to see changed. 3. Any additional information that may be useful to fully understand and address your concern. Question Title * 12. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Local Union's efforts in representing your interests? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied If you have any other questions, concerns or comments or feedback, please email us at uawlocal967@hotmail.com. Multiple responses are welcome if something comes to mind at a later date.Want to help our local union win a strong contract? Talk to your coworkers and encourage them to join, engage, and be a part of our union. Our bargaining power comes from our membership and engagement. Done