So we can improve the execution of launching new promotions please answer the following questions:

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Wicked Box  (Please rate the following)

  Completely unsatisfactory (Poor) Satisfactory (Ok) Completely Satisfied (Great!)
Products / Packaging were delivered on time
Marketing point of sale (menu boards / posters) were delivered on time
My stores knew where to put point of sale
The communication for this product was clear & we knew what we needed to do
Overall my customers would rate the Wicked Box

Question Title


Question Title

* 2. Bacon Aloha Burger (Please rate the following)

  Completely unsatisfactory (Poor) Satisfactory (Ok) Completely Satisfied (Great!)
Products / Packaging were delivered on time
Marketing point of sale (menu boards / posters) were delivered on time
My stores knew where to put point of sale
The communication for this product was clear & we knew what we needed to do
Overall my customers would rate the Bacon Aloha

Question Title

* 3. Would you launch these products again as they are?

  No Yes Yes (please consider making this permanent)
Bacon Aloha
Wicked Box

Question Title

* 4. Please feedback on anything that worked really well for the latest promotions? (leave blank if no comment)

Question Title

* 5. Please feedback on anything that did not work for the latest promotions? (leave blank if no comment)

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the marketing of these products

  I didn't like it It was ok It was great
Wicked Box
Bacon Aloha Burger