
The Borough of Chatham is seeking input regarding the Watchung Avenue and River Road Redevelopment Area. As part of the Borough’s Settlement Agreement with Fair Share Housing the Borough was required to zone the Gateway 1 Area (Map 1) in order to meet its affordable housing obligation. This zoning includes approximately 20.2 developable acres (Map 2) and permits 35 residential units per acre within a 4 story building.

Because this zoning was part of our affordable housing settlement agreement, the Borough does not have the ability to prevent development from occurring. However, we may be able to shape what is developed and require mitigation for impacts through a redevelopment plan.

This survey is the first in a number of efforts that will be conducted to obtain public input on this topic. The compiled survey results will be shared with the public, and a public workshop will also be held (tentatively planned for June 2024) where residents can learn more about this project and provide feedback directly.