A Conversation with Leaders at the Forefront of Climate Change Action & Environmental Advocacy

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Starr Auditorium
6:00-8:00 pm


Panel Members:
Amy Larkin, founder of Nature Means Business and Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change
Dr. Amy Luers, Assistant Director, Climate Resilience and Information, White House Office of Science & Technology Policy
Dr. Elsie M. Sunderland, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and in the Department of Environmental Health in the Harvard School of Public Health
Dr. Neenah Estrella-Luna, Former Board Chair, Alternatives for Community and Environment; Assistant Teaching Professor, Doctor of Law & Policy Program, Northeastern University
Patricia Bellinger, Adjunct Lecturer and Executive Director of the Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School

Presented by: The Center for Public Leadership, the Belfer Center's Environment and Natural Resources Program
In Collaboration with the HKS Energy and Environment PIC

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