More Arts Project (MAP) Professional Development Workshops |
MAP Community Application
WyAA's mission is to advance a creative and culturally vibrant state, fulfilling its vision of More Art. Better Wyoming. In support of that mission and vision, WyAA has launched a community-based professional development program, known as the More Arts Project (MAP). MAP is designed to address the professional development and leadership training needs seen as critical to building a stronger arts ecosystem in Wyoming, as well as improving community and creative development.
Who may participate
Four Wyoming communities will be selected each fiscal year through this application process. MAP workshops will be offered in these four Wyoming communities, through a combination of in-person and virtual presentations. WyAA seeks applications from every geographic area of the state; clear statements of the application community's unique needs; and, the potential for using what is learned from the community to design future MAP workshops.
Applicant requirements
Community leaders/applicants will work collaboratively with WyAA’s MAP Coordinator in developing a unique professional development curriculum for each community applicant. Successful community applicants are asked to provide a venue for the in-person workshops, lunch for participants, and promotion of the workshops within the community. Following the program, participants will also be asked to provide a final report/analysis of their experience.
Deadline/Notification of participants
Four successful community applicants will be selected each fiscal year (each July thru June). Applications are accepted throughout the year on an ongoing basis and are encouraged to be submitted no later than December 1 to be considered for the current fiscal year.
WyAA's mission is to advance a creative and culturally vibrant state, fulfilling its vision of More Art. Better Wyoming. In support of that mission and vision, WyAA has launched a community-based professional development program, known as the More Arts Project (MAP). MAP is designed to address the professional development and leadership training needs seen as critical to building a stronger arts ecosystem in Wyoming, as well as improving community and creative development.
Who may participate
Four Wyoming communities will be selected each fiscal year through this application process. MAP workshops will be offered in these four Wyoming communities, through a combination of in-person and virtual presentations. WyAA seeks applications from every geographic area of the state; clear statements of the application community's unique needs; and, the potential for using what is learned from the community to design future MAP workshops.
Applicant requirements
Community leaders/applicants will work collaboratively with WyAA’s MAP Coordinator in developing a unique professional development curriculum for each community applicant. Successful community applicants are asked to provide a venue for the in-person workshops, lunch for participants, and promotion of the workshops within the community. Following the program, participants will also be asked to provide a final report/analysis of their experience.
Deadline/Notification of participants
Four successful community applicants will be selected each fiscal year (each July thru June). Applications are accepted throughout the year on an ongoing basis and are encouraged to be submitted no later than December 1 to be considered for the current fiscal year.