This survey is to assess the potential impact on tourism of the requirement to have an ETA when entering Northern Ireland from Ireland.

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* 1. What type of business do you operate?

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* 2. Do you anticipate having to cancel some or all visits to Northern Ireland that are combined with Ireland as a result of the ETA requirement?

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* 3. If yes, what would you cite as the reason for the cancellations? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. If you anticipate cancellations, what type of visits do you think are most likely to cancel? Please select all that apply.

  Groups FIT
Overnight visits
Day trips

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* 5. Are you currently changing your island of Ireland itineraries to avoid clients having to obtain an ETA? Please explain what modifications you are making/plan to make.

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* 6. Which of your origin markets will be most affected by the requirement to have an ETA to enter Northern Ireland from Ireland? Please rank in order, with 1 being the most affected and 5 being the least affected. For markets you do not cover, please select N/A before starting your ranking.

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* 7. Are there any specific countries or client types you think will be particularly adversely affected by this legislation? Please give details, eg students, elderly people, particular countries of origin.

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* 8. If you are based in the island of Ireland, what do you estimate the impact to be in terms of loss of passenger/client volume to your business as a result of the ETA requirement?

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* 9. This survey is anonymous; your name and company details will not be used in analysis or published anywhere. If, however, you would like to be kept up to date on results and progress, please leave your details below.