Check YES of every statement that is 100% true. This is a snapshot of your life today. Click done to review your results. Keep track of that number in your personal notes.

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* 1. I prioritize activities that refresh me on a weekly basis.

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* 2. I consistently engage in self-reflection to assess my emotional, physical,
spiritual, and relational well-being.

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* 3. I intentionally avoid or limit excessive amounts of time watching TV, phone
usage, isolation, gaming, or other escaping behaviors.

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* 4. When I feel overwhelmed, I use calming techniques like deep breathing,
stretching, taking short breaks, or other strategies.

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* 5. I actively challenge feelings of guilt to ensure that rest and recharging
become a priority in my life.

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* 6. At work, we encourage one another to evaluate and prioritize self-care.

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* 7. At home, I routinely prioritize activities with family and friends that replenish
and rejuvenate us.

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* 8. How would you rate the Take Ten Sessions?

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* 9. How would you rate the Individual Work (Videos and Readings)?

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* 10. Did the cohort meetings open the door to meaningful conversations with co-workers?

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* 11. Share one or two things you are doing as a result of the Making Wellness Work Initiative.