Welcome to The Bookseller's annual Christmas survey: please answer as many questions as you can

Responses will be used for an analysis of Christmas trading within the independent book trade sector to be published in print and online in January.

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* 1. Please leave your name, bookshop, and contact details here:

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* 2. Are you happy to be named in the piece? 

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* 3. Compared with Christmas 2022, sales in 2023 were:

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* 4. Please give details of how much sales were up or down, in percentage terms, on Christmas 2022

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* 5. Compared to Christmas 2022, would you say that footfall on the high street has been

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* 6. Did Christmas trading start noticeably later this year?

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* 7. Which titles did best for you? Were there any surprise hits?

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* 8. Were there any problems with supply or availability of titles?

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* 9. If ‘yes’, which titles couldn’t you get hold of, and what reasons were provided?

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* 10. Are cost-of-living pressures continuing to impact the shopping habits of your customers? If so, how? 

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* 11. Did the recent increase to the minimum wage have a significant impact on your costs?

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* 12. Did you grow your online business in 2023?

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* 13. Is it a priority for you to grow your online business even more in 2024? If so, how?

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* 14. How are you feeling about prospects overall for 2024?  

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* 15. What can publishers do to support your work even more in the new year?

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* 16. Are there any new initiatives you are adopting to make your business more sustainable in the new year and what would you like to see more of from publishers in terms of green initiatives?

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* 17. Are there any other issues affecting booksellers you would like to see The Bookseller cover in the New Year?  

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* 18. Thank you for completing the survey! Please use the below box to make any further general comments. Don't forget to leave your email address if you would like to receive the results of the survey on email.