River Valley Rising 2020 Community survey Community Survey on Youth Substance Abuse Use Question Title * 1. Do you live in the River Valley Area? If you have a student in theRSU #10 and/or RSU #56 school district, please indicate grades. Yes, I live in the River Valley Area. No, I don't live in the River Valley Area. No, I don't have a student in the RSU #10 or RSU #56 School District. What grade/grades? Question Title * 2. In thinking about youth substance use in your community, what three (3) substances are you MOST concerned about? Alcohol Marijuana Tobacco Prescription drugs Heroin Inhalants None Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. In your opinion, how easy is it for youth to access the following substances? Hard Neutral Easy Don't know Alcohol Alcohol Hard Alcohol Neutral Alcohol Easy Alcohol Don't know Marijuana Marijuana Hard Marijuana Neutral Marijuana Easy Marijuana Don't know Tobacco Tobacco Hard Tobacco Neutral Tobacco Easy Tobacco Don't know Prescription drugs Prescription drugs Hard Prescription drugs Neutral Prescription drugs Easy Prescription drugs Don't know Heroin Heroin Hard Heroin Neutral Heroin Easy Heroin Don't know Inhalants (glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Inhalants (glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Hard Inhalants (glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Neutral Inhalants (glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Easy Inhalants (glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Don't know Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Hard Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Neutral Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Easy Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Don't know Question Title * 4. Where do you think youth are getting alcohol and other drugs? (Select top 3 answers for each) Parents At home Siblings/Relatives Older friends Peers At school Parties Retail outlets Don't know Alcohol Alcohol Parents Alcohol At home Alcohol Siblings/Relatives Alcohol Older friends Alcohol Peers Alcohol At school Alcohol Parties Alcohol Retail outlets Alcohol Don't know Marijuana Marijuana Parents Marijuana At home Marijuana Siblings/Relatives Marijuana Older friends Marijuana Peers Marijuana At school Marijuana Parties Marijuana Retail outlets Marijuana Don't know Tobacco Tobacco Parents Tobacco At home Tobacco Siblings/Relatives Tobacco Older friends Tobacco Peers Tobacco At school Tobacco Parties Tobacco Retail outlets Tobacco Don't know Prescription drugs Prescription drugs Parents Prescription drugs At home Prescription drugs Siblings/Relatives Prescription drugs Older friends Prescription drugs Peers Prescription drugs At school Prescription drugs Parties Prescription drugs Retail outlets Prescription drugs Don't know Heroin Heroin Parents Heroin At home Heroin Siblings/Relatives Heroin Older friends Heroin Peers Heroin At school Heroin Parties Heroin Retail outlets Heroin Don't know Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Parents Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) At home Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Siblings/Relatives Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Older friends Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Peers Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) At school Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Parties Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Retail outlets Inhalants(glues, paint thinners, gasoline, felt-tip marker fluid, hair spray, spray paint, and whipped cream dispensers (whippets) Don't know Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Parents Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) At home Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Siblings/Relatives Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Older friends Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Peers Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) At school Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Parties Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Retail outlets Other illicit drugs(Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Meth) Don't know Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward youth marijuana use? Youth marijuana use is... Okay under certain circumstances Okay if a doctor provides a written certificate Is used for medical purposes, so it must be okay for youth to consume Not as big a deal as alcohol and/or other drugs Never okay Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which of the following best describes your attitude toward underage drinking? Underage drinking is...? Okay if they are 18 years old and out of high school Okay if youth are at home with an adult Okay if they are not driving Never Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Do you feel like you are educated enough about the topic of e-cigarettes and/or Juuling? Would you like to learn more about the topic? Yes, I feel like I know a lot about the topic Yes, I know some about the topic and would like to learn more No, I don't know a lot about the topic No, I don't know a lot about the topic and would want to learn more Question Title * 8. Are you concerned about your child using e-cigarettes and/or Juuling? Yes, I am concerned No, I am not concerned Don't know/Not sure Question Title * 9. Do you talk with your kids/youth about substance use (marijuana, vaping, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc...)? If so, what age did you start? And do you have clear consequences? Yes, I talk to my kids/ youth No, I do not talk you my kids/youth Yes, I have clear rules and consequences No, I don't have clear rules and consequences I started talking to my kids/ youth at this age Question Title * 10. Do you lock up your medications, alcohol, and/or other substances in your home? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Do you know how to properly dispose your unused and/or expired prescription drugs? And know where there are RX drop off boxes in your community? YES, I know how to properly dispose unused and/or expired prescription drugs NO, I don't know how to properly dispose unused and/or expired prescription drugs YES, I know where there are the 3 RX drop off boxes in our community NO, I don't know where the 3 RX drop off boxes are in our community Question Title * 12. Where do you go to get information on substance abuse prevention? (you can pick more than one) The internet My friends My physician/doctors office Local Health Agencies River Valley Rising Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. In your opinion, what are the top three (3) reasons youth use substances? Laws aren't being enforced It's too easy to get Adults think it's no big deal Parents don't know what to do about youth's substance use/abuse Youth think it's cool, expected, or use to fit in Youth lack positive adult connections Youth are depressed and stressed Youth are bored Media and advertising make it seem glamorous Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. What's the best way for us to get information to you? Education Classes Online- Facebook? Flyers Email or other Done and Thank You