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What is FemFest?

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What is #FemFest?
#FemFest is a major conference for girls and young women aged 16-24 discussing leadership, equality and planning for that feminist future! At #FemFest we want to raise awareness of the issues affecting girls and young women in Ireland today and empower them to use their own voice and agency to address these issues. Before we plan #FemFest 2019 we want to hear from you!
Please note we may use some of what you say in future NWCI work but it will be 100% anonymous. 

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* 1. Are you aged between 16-24?

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* 2. In the Women's Council we want to work on issues that matter most to girls and young women. What do you think are the most important issues for girls and young women at the moment?

Two of the issues the Women’s Council are campaigning on at the moment are free contraception and improving mental health supports for girls and young women.

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* 3. Do you have any ideas on how we could campaign for free contraception?

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* 4. Do you have any ideas on how we could campaign to improve girls and young women's mental health?

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* 5. What ways would you like to be involved in our campaigning work?

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* 6. What training or support could help you to get involved in these campaigns?

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