Which Covid-19 restriction category is your school currently under?
Stage 3
Stage 4
Will it be possible for your students to meet the practical requirements of your subject's Study Design?
Further details
Can you estimate what proportion of normal production time your students will be completing this year?
How likely is it that you will attend school with students to meet current VCE Study Design expectations?
Very Likely - we are looking to make arrangements for the rest of term 3
Quite likely - our school is currently working on a plan but this has not been finalised yet
Unlikely - our staff and students will not be returning to school during stage 3/4 restrictions
Further details
If returning to school to work with students, how confident do you feel about your ability to ensure required physical distancing and cleaning of tools and equipment?
Confident - we have setup protocols to follow all guidelines
Somewhat confident - our school has begun to develop protocols
Not confident - we will attempt to follow guidelines but it will be very difficult to enforce at all times
Not returning because of safety issues
Other (please specify)
If attempting to carry out practical work with your students onsite, how confident are you that you will have enough time to complete this safely?
Very confident - we have enough time to complete these safely
Somewhat confident - my school is working to support practical classes
Not confident - it will be difficult to complete products in time
Not able to undertake practical work this year
Other (please specify)
If you return to school to carry out practical work with your students, how confident are you that you'll be able to apply the assessment criteria to all students in your class.
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
Not able to undertake practical work this year
Please give details
If your school is NOT allowing students to return to school to complete SAT production please select the main reason why.
Concern for the safety of teachers and students
Disruption to students’ timetabled program
Unable to staff
Other (please specify)
Are you confident you will be able to assess the practical components (using some indicators) of the SAT?
Very confident
Confident I can assess some SAT criteria, but not all
Not at all confident
Other (please specify)
What would be the most effective action you would like to be taken?
Reduce requirements of SAT and Study Design
Extend VCE deadlines
Clear guidance on how to mark the SAT (zero, NA or predicted/derived)
None, the requirements and deadlines are achievable as they are
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
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