Test Print Survey - Concepts OPTION 1 Question Title * 1. What is your UserTesting.com username? Question Title * 2. Do you agree with the following statement: "I have set up a new printer before" Yes No Imagine you have just finished setting up a new HP printer and printed a test page at the end of the setup. We would like you to evaluate different concepts of the test print page. Please take a minute or two to review the first concept of this page and answer the questions below: Question Title Option 1 Question Title * 3. Please explain what your initial impression is of this document. Question Title * 4. In your own words, describe what this document is communicating. Please be specific in your answer. Question Title * 5. Do you disagree or agree with the following statement? “I’m confident that I understand what information is communicated on this page” Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 6. In your own words describe what would you do next, after reviewing the content on this page. Question Title * 7. Is there information missing on the page? If yes, please explain what is missing. If no, please write N/A Next