Question Title

* 1. What are the impediments that prevent your attendance at a PCAPNA meeting?  Select all that apply

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* 2. What topics, products or medications would you like covered?

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* 3. Would you be able to attend more meetings if they were in a different location and if so which is best?

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* 4. Would you like to see Meetings held on a different day of the week?  If so when?

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* 5. Would you prefer to attend meetings without a dinner?

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* 6. Would you prefer to attend meetings without a sponsor?

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* 7. Would you be more likely to attend a meeting if there were CEU?

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* 8. Would you be more likely to attend Zoom or remote meetings instead of in person?

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* 9. Would you be willing to pay for CEU offered dinner and if so, how often?

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* 10. Anything else you want us to know?