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Argymhellir eich bod yn creu ac yn cadw eich cais mewn dogfen ar wahân cyn copïo a gludo'ch ceisiadau i'r ffurflen gais isod. Bydd hyn yn rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd i chi o ran golygu eich cais a sicrhau nad oes dim yn cael ei golli cyn ei gyflwyno.

Cliciwch yma am y disgrifiad llawn ar gyfer y categori.

It is recommended that you create and save your application in a separate document before copying and pasting your entries into the application form below. This will give you more flexibility in terms of editing your entry and ensuring nothing is lost from it prior to submission.

Click here to read the category description in full.

Question Title

* 1. Manylion cyswllt (Enw / Cyfeiriad / Ebost / Ffôn) / Contact details (Name / Address / Email / Phone)

Question Title

* 2. Rhowch ddisgrifiad byr i ni o'ch busnes neu gwasanaeth? / Give us a brief description of your business or service?

Question Title

* 3. Dyddiad cychwyn masnachu (os yw'n berthnasol) / Trading start date (if applicable)?

Question Title

* 4. Beth mae’r busnes wedi’i gyflawni’n ddiweddar i’w wneud yn addas ar gyfer y wobr? / What has the business achieved recently to make it suitable for the award?

Question Title

* 5. Pa effaith mae eich busnes wedi’i chael ar yr economi ehangach? / What impact has your business had on the wider economy?

Question Title

* 6. Unrhyw sylwadau arall i ategu eich cais? / Any other comments to support your application?

Question Title

* 7. Gallwch ychwanegu dogfennau i gefnogi eich cais fan hyn / You may upload any supporting documentation here

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