To maximize our time together and to ensure you get the most value from the Career Planning Bootcamp experience, please complete this form in as much detail as you can. All your information is completely confidential and I will never share it with anyone. Ever. Thank You!

Question Title

* 1. What is your first and last name?

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* 2. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 3. Please tell me about yourself and your career situation. Feel free to share whatever you'd like. Please also include your title or profession.

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* 4. What are your primary goals for the Career Planning Bootcamp? (What do you most wish to accomplish during the Bootcamp?)

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* 5. Imagine you could wave a magic wand and create your ideal career/career situation - from that mindset, what would your career/career situation look like? Please describe it.

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* 6. Please rank from 1 to 5 your preferred day of the week for our Career Planning Bootcamp group sessions. 1 = 1st choice, 2 = 2nd choice,etc.

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* 7. Please rank your preferred time of day for our Career Planning Bootcamp group sessions. 1 = 1st choice, 2 = 2nd choice, 3 = 3rd choice

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* 8. Is there anything else you'd like me to know or to consider in advance of our next Career Planning Bootcamp?