We get it. You're a busy parent and you love your kid(s), Wyngate Elementary and all the fun school-wide events like the science fair and multicultural night. You appreciate having the school directory to arrange playdates, being able to check the lost and found from the convenience of your laptop and knowing that "someone" in the community is helping to secure extra resources and funds for the school.
You may not know it, but all of these fabulous programs (and more) are run by PTA volunteers. If there aren't more people who raise their hands to help, the events and services won't be able to continue.
We are harried parents like you who are in a daily sprint to manage work, carpools, "reminding" the kids to do their homework and getting some sort of dinner on the table. It's hard. We get it. We're simply asking you to find a little time to help keep Wyngate as the vibrant and welcoming community that helped attract all of us to the neighborhood.
Being a PTA volunteer doesn't mean that you'll be camped out alone for hours sorting papers in an office. It might mean handing out pizza for 30 minutes at the Back to School Picnic or staffing a table with other parents to help sell Wyngate t-shirts. Or, it could mean helping with some data entry in the evening or contacting local businesses who might be interested in sponsoring one of our events. We have a host of volunteer opportunities that will fit with your schedule, interests and talents.
Please take two minutes to fill out the survey below to let us know how you're able to be involved with your PTA. And if you really, really, really can't spare a little time to help, please consider supporting the PTA's programs by making a financial contribution (https://atozconnect.com).