We would love to hear your story.

Coming Out is a process that many members of the LGBTQIA+ community go through on their journey of self-acceptance.  For some, there is a date in which we came out, for others, there is no date and no definitive moment.

LGBTQIA+ visibility and representation is so important in supporting and affirming our community and in challenging discrimination. The journey to self-acceptance can be a difficult one, especially when it's paved with others' reactions.

For many LGBTQIA+ individuals, coming out as our true gender or sharing our sexuality comes with some apprehension over how those close to us might react.

Sharing our experiences helps us learn from each other. While each individual’s experience is different and unique, we are all community. We would be extremely grateful to our colleagues for sharing their stories, and by doing do, we hope to create a greater sense of community and inclusiveness at IVC Evidensia.

It only takes a few minutes to share your answers, and all questions are optional.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about your coming out story. Feel free to share what you are comfortable with, for example: the how, when and why, and what kind of reactions you received.

Question Title

* 2. Is there any advice you would give to your past self when coming out?

Question Title

* 3. (Optional) What is your name?

Question Title

* 4. (Optional) What is your job role?

Question Title

* 5. (Optional) Which country do you work in?

Question Title

* 6. (Optional) Would you like to upload an image to accompany your 'coming out' story?

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
How will we use this information? We'll choose a selection of the coming out stories submitted to share on internal and external channels throughout June. These will be shared on the intranet, via our global and country newsletters, and on our group and country social media platforms with the aim of creating greater understanding and inclusiveness at IVC Evidensia.

If you’d like to stay up-to-date or get involved, join our social group as we grow and develop LGBTQIA+ activities within IVC Evidensia.