Question Title

* 1. What was the purpose of your visit to our website today?

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* 2. Did you find what you were looking for?

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied were you with your experience in using our website today?

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* 4. How easy was it to understand the content?

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* 5. How easy was it to find the content you were looking for?

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* 6. What did you like the most during your visit to our website? (Click as many as you like)

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* 7. What do you think we could improve on our website? (Click as many as you like)

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* 8. If you couldn't access the website to find out what you needed, how would you get the answers you need?

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* 9. What is your preferred way to communicate with any organisation?

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* 10. Would you recommend our website to other Queenslanders who need information on all aspects of renting a home?

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* 11. Any other feedback you would like to provide about our website?