Warradale FC - Summer Soccer 2021

1.Your name?
2.age group interested in
3.did you or your children play winter soccer at warradale fc or any other soccer club in 2021?
4.Did you or your child/children play summer soccer at Warradale FC 2020?
5.Did you coach a team (team leader) in summer soccer 2020?
6.Due to other sports that run in Summer in our township Summer Soccer will always be on Thursday nights for juniors however if registration numbers are excessive across the entire competition the senior competition may have to be considered for Friday nights. We also received feedback last year we may be able to register more senior teams and therefore have a more competitive competition for seniors if the competition was on Thursday and Friday nights. Please advise your flexibility?
7.Warradale FC thought official referees appointed for all matches from u8 age group and above was a success as it reduced workload on committee and provided parents more of an opportunity to spectate matches. Warradale FC are interested in running this format again however the club wore the costs for official referees for u8-u11 age groups. Are you ok with registration costs being increased for these age groups to cover the official referee's fees?
8.In order to run summer soccer as efficiently as possible we require assistance from members in joining a subcommittee. Is this something you can assist the club with?
9.Warradale FC plan to use summer soccer as a trial for new implementation measures to see how to best effectively run the canteen and bbq on game days in winter 2022 (covid restrictions pending of course). Which of the following suggestions do you best see fit for the club to trial?
10.If you played summer soccer at Warradale FC for 2020, understanding it was the first time Warradale FC ran a competitive summer soccer competition there was always going to be some learnings for 2021. If you can please provide your feedback on how Warradale FC can continuously improve for season 2021 please provide feedback, we'd love to know!
Current Progress,
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