Instructions:  Responses to the following questions will be aggregated and used to optimize patient-education delivery. Please answer the following questions based on care you provided during visit with an acute complaint in the last few month. For reference, visits with acute care complaint may include acute, EST, and follow-up visits for chronic conditions.  This excludes routine well-child visits.

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* 1. How often did you provide a written care plan at the end of the visit?

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* 2. Check all that apply. I do not provide a written care plan at the end of pertinent visits because

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* 3. How often did your written care plans include high-quality, patient-centered, educational content specific to the diagnosis?  (If you answered "Never" to question 1, please skip)

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* 4. Check all that apply.  I did not include high quality educational content within my written care plan because:

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* 5. Are there specific patient-centered education materials you have found to be helpful or would like to use? Please list below.

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* 6. How do you identify high-quality, patient-centered educational content?