The Department of Dermatology at Royal North Shore Hospital is conducting a study to evaluate Australian doctors’ sun protection practises and understanding of sun-protective guidelines.

This study is being conducted by Dr Saxon Smith (Dermatologist), Dr Andrew Lee (Dermatology Research Fellow) and Dr Philippa Dickison (Resident Medical Officer).

The research study involves doctors who are practising in Australia, and who consent to complete an online survey.

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Northern Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).
What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this study is to investigate doctors’ sun protection practises, their understanding of skin cancer and their awareness of available guidelines and campaigns.

Why has the participant been chosen?
The study hopes to include as many Australian doctors as possible in the study.

What if I don’t want to take part in this study, or if I want to withdraw later?
Participation in this study is voluntary. It is completely up to you whether or not you participate.

If you would like to participate in this study, please complete the survey hosted on surveymonkey. By completing the survey, you are giving implied consent – you will not need to sign any form confirming your consent to participate.

As the survey is anonymous (ie, your name will not be collected on the survey form), you will not be able to withdraw from this study once you have submitted your completed survey.

What does this study involve?
Participation in the study only involves the completion of the survey which will take 5-10minutes. There is no further follow up.

Are there risks to me in taking part in this study?
There are no expected side effects from taking part in this study.  The only known risks associated with this study is that of a minor inconvenience related to the time taken to complete the survey.

Will I benefit from the study?
The study aims to determine doctors’ level of understanding of skin cancer and their awareness of sun protection and guidelines. The information gained may indicate where further educational campaigns need to be directed. Being aware and acting on any deficiencies in doctors’ sun protection knowledge could subsequently greatly improve the sun practices of health professionals and their patients.

Will taking part in this study cost me anything, and will I be paid?
Participation in this study will not cost you anything.

How will my confidentiality be protected?
The survey results will not be linked to your email address and will be stored separately.  Your participation in the study will remain confidential. No identifiable information will be collected about you. The results will be stored securely on a computer which requires a password.

What happens with the results?
We intend for the results of this study to be published in a medical journal and/or presented at a medical conference.  All participant information will be communicated in a de-identified form, maintaining the confidentiality of the participants’ identity.  

Who is organising and funding the research?
The Dermatology Department of Royal North Shore Hospital is organising and funding this project.

What should I do if I want to discuss this study further before I decide?
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the study or your participation please do not hesitate to contact Dr Andrew Lee, the dermatology research fellow at Royal North Shore hospital by email at or by phone at 02 9462 9657.

Who should I contact if I have concerns about the conduct of this study?
This study has been approved by the Northern Sydney Local Health District HREC. Any person with concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study should contact the Research Office who is nominated to receive complaints from research participants. You should contact them on 02 9926 4590 and quote HREC reference number (NSLHD reference: RESP/15/304).