Health First Indiana Initiative - Morgan County

Morgan County commissioners opted in to the Health First Indiana public health initiative. The goal is to identify strengths as well as needs in communities and develop strategies to ensure that all Hoosiers have access to core public health services that prevent disease and promote positive health outcomes.

This new funding positions Morgan County to both grow internally and strengthen community partnerships to address health behaviors and conditions that impact life expectancy and health outcomes.

This survey will help us decide how funding can be best utilized to serve the community and make the greatest impact on health. Please answer the questions thinking about the core public health services in the community as a whole, not limited to the performance/success of the Health Department.

We look forward to working with you! Thank you for your input!
1.Does your organization focus on any of the following core public health services? Please check all that apply.
2.Is Morgan County excelling in any of the following core public health services? (Which core services are being offered/provided and going well?) Please check all that apply.
3.Which of these core public health services need improvement in Morgan County? Please check all that apply.
4.Which of these core public health services do you believe the Morgan County Health Department should focus on in 2024-25? Please check all that apply.
5.What do you believe is the role of the Morgan County Health Department in improving the above listed core public health services? How can we best help our community?
6.If you would like to discuss further, please include your name, organization, and contact information (email/phone).