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We facilitate an LGBTQIA+ wellbeing group for 18+. The group is held every Monday from 7.00pm to 8.30pm at 3-9 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire.

We are looking for some feedback on what people would like to see from the group. We have had games and quiz nights, wellbeing activities and craft activities, as well as discussions that can affect the LBGTQIA+ community. We have also had representation at local events, promoting the service.

If you are not from the area you can still leave any ideas/opinions below :)

Contact for any info/questions:

Question Title

* 1. Have you previously or do you currently attend any LGBTQIA+ groups?

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* 2. If you do not attend a group, what would encourage you to attend?

(Please comment NA if you do attend a group)

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* 3. If you do attend a group what encouraged you to attend?

(please comment NA if you do not attend a group)

Question Title

* 4. Do you think there any activities that would be beneficial to include at the group?

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* 5. Do you think having a social media presence would be helpful? For example sharing key information and some of the activities we complete, keeping peoples anonymity?

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