Why a Survey?

Most of us don’t think about our health until it is challenged. This survey is an opportunity for our community to pause and reflect.

We would like to know what you think is needed to support YOUR health and wellness today and what we will need in the future. Your responses will direct the efforts of the volunteers of the Candle Lake Health Service Committee.

This survey is part of the Candle Lake “Alive and Well” project. To learn more go to the RVCL Website. (https://candlelake.ca/p/health-services)

The Saskatchewan Health Quality Council has partnered with the RVCL and the Health Service Committee to provide support and consultation throughout our project; their contribution is committed in kind. We are grateful.

About the Survey:

This survey is open to all Candle Lake and area residents aged 18 years and over.

Privacy is protected. Your answers will remain anonymous. It will not be possible to identify survey participants from the data collected. The full confidentiality plan is posted on the RVCL website Health Services Page. (link above).

Survey findings will be reported to the community.

This survey will take approximately 30 minutes. It is possible to save your responses, leave the survey, and then return later to complete it. Your data is not submitted until you hit "Submit".

We welcome your feedback. If you wish to speak to a Health Services Committee member we can be contacted through the village office email: rvclhealth@candlelake.ca

Question Title

* 1. I agree to take part in the survey and have my survey data (your responses) analyzed by the Candle Lake Alive and Well project team and the Saskatchewan Health Quality Council.