Exit this survey Twin Cities Veg Fest 2013 Sponsor Survey Question Title * 1. Would you like to sponsor the next Twin Cities Veg Fest? Yes No Question Title * 2. Which of the following sponsorship benefits did you feel provided value for your company or organization? Please select all that apply. Listing on the tcvegfest.com website Recognition in Compassionate Action for Animals' weekly newsletter Inclusion in festival advertising materials (gold and platinum only) Featured "like" on the tcvegfest Facebook page Item(s) in the festival swag bag Ad in the festival program Table in the exhibitor hall Question Title * 3. Why did you choose to sponsor the Twin Cities Veg Fest? Please select all that apply. We are an animal advocacy organization We are supportive of animal advocacy for personal reasons Promoting animal advocacy is part of our marketing strategy Promoting vegetarianism/veganism is part of our marketing strategy Our product specifically targets a vegetarian and/or vegan audience Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What can we do to improve your experience as a Veg Fest sponsor next year? Some areas to consider are communication with the organizers, sponsorship benefits, etc. We want to improve the festival next year, and we welcome your feedback. Please feel free to contact us at info@tcvegfest.com at any time if you have comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you for being a part of Twin Cities Veg Fest! Done