
In June 2019 WRAP published the first ‘Eliminating Problem Plastics’ report following consultation with members. Members were consulted again in 2020 and an updated report and revised list of problem plastics for removal was published in February 2022 ‘Eliminating Problem Plastics’.

Delivery of the Pact Targets 2 (recyclability) and 3 (effectively recycled) is contingent on the removal or redesign of plastic packaging which is not recyclable and which will not be included within Simpler Recycling.

The Target 1 list therefore provides an important framework for renewed focus and effort on materials that hinder progress towards Targets 2 and 3 and, although the end date of 2025 is fast approaching, it is important for the credibility of the Pact to maintain momentum and ambition whilst also reflecting developments.

It is for this reason that WRAP is consulting on a wider list of materials which will not be effectively recycled at scale and therefore defined as recyclable within the duration of the Pact nor when household film collections are implemented through Simpler Recycling, along with items designated red in the Polymer Choices best practice design for recyclability.

The accompanying consultation document, developed with The UK Plastics Pact Eliminating Problem Plastics Sprint Group and presented to The UK Plastics Pact Advisory Group, has been circulated to all members and published on the WRAP website (the member consultation document). A webinar has been scheduled for members on 24 July to run through the proposed changes and answer any queries.

Please read through the member consultation document and then submit feedback using this survey by 5pm on 12 September 2024.

Feedback will treated confidentially, collated and used to inform the updates to the Eliminating Problem Plastics report. The final report will be shared with members prior to publication.

The survey asks your opinion on the Proposed Additions/Changes to the existing Elimination list and on the Proposed Additions/Changes to the existing Investigation List. In the survey you will be asked if you agree with the proposed amendments. Please note that we are not consulting on items where there is no change proposed, however there is space to add comments on these items. Please refer to the current Eliminating Problem Plastics report for further detail and rationale behind the two lists.

If you have any queries please email

Thank you for your input.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Surname

Question Title

* 3. Organisation

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Are you a current member of The UK Plastics Pact (please select one answer)

Question Title

* 6. Sector

Question Title

* 7. I agree to be contacted if you have any queries on the responses