CC2DCA 2025 Project Update

We need your input to define your design priorities for CC2DCA. This will help inform what the structure may look like and determine amenities along the bridge that deliver the best user experience for all CC2DCA travelers. Please rank your priorities by checking the appropriate bubble in each question or by ranking your priorities, and let us know if you have any additional questions or comments at the end of the form.

Need more info before you answer these questions? You can learn more about this project and the current phase of public engagement for CC2DCA by visiting the project website or watching the Project Update video.

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* 1. Where do you envision starting your trips on the CC2DCA bridge?

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* 2. Where do you envision ending your trips when you use the CC2DCA bridge?

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* 3. How will you travel on CC2DCA? Please rank the following options based on the transportation mode you will use the most by dragging the choices or using the arrows.

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* 4. If you answered "Other" in Question 3, please specify.

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* 5. Rank how important each of these words are in describing your future trips on CC2DCA by dragging the choices or using the arrows.

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* 6. Which of the following visual design styles is most appealing to you for the CC2DCA bridge? Click on the links below for additional information on each bridge.

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* 7. Which amenities on the bridge would be most important to you to include as part of this project? Share your answer for each of the options below.

  Most Important Very Important Moderately Important Less Important Not Important
Designated areas to stop and rest
Informational signage at bridge ends (maps, historical information etc.)
Shade/Protection from elements
Observation/Views of surrounding landmarks
Pedestrian/Cyclist separation

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* 8. Rank these options in order of your priority for the future CC2DCA bridge, with #1 being the most important and #9 being the least important to you.

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* 9. How important are other facilities and/or amenities off the bridge that could be included as part of this project? Please rank the following options by dragging the choices or using the arrows with #1 being most important.

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* 10. If you answered "Other" on Question 9, please specify.

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* 11. Please provide any additional feedback or questions you may have on the 2025 CC2DCA Project Update.