Conflict of Interest Policy
Each director, officer, employee, and volunteer of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) has a responsibility to scrupulously avoid any direct or indirect conflict of interest between his or her own personal, professional, or business interests and the interests of NBDF or its subsidiaries and to act in the best interest of NBDF. To this end, each employee and volunteer:
1. Shall avoid any material conflict of interest and any potential conflict of interest, either real or perceived, between the interests of NBDF and the interests of any other entity.
2. Shall exercise the utmost good faith, honesty, care, skill and judgment in every transaction relating to his or her duties to NBDF.
3. Shall not use his/her position, or knowledge gained there, in such a manner as to create a conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest between the interests of NBDF and his or her personal interests.
4. Shall immediately disclose any potential conflict of interest. (If there is any uncertainty whether a certain transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest, the individual shall ask the CEO of NBDF for clarification.)
5. Shall keep the interests of NBDF foremost in any dealings involving NBDF.
6. Shall avoid directly or indirectly participating in any discussion, decision, arrangement, investment, vote, or other activity that constitutes a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, or that could result in personal benefit to the individual or any member of their immediate family.
7. Shall not accept any favor, gift (other than of token value) or excessive entertainment from any source that may be perceived as influencing or having the potential to influence the performance of his or her duties to NBDF.
8. Shall not conduct personal business with NBDF or its subsidiaries, nor use NBDF assets, employees, information, events or activities for personal use, nor develop a relationship with employees of NBDF that might interfere with the exercise of impartial judgment in decisions affecting NBDF.
9. Shall not obtain any economic benefit for themself, any member of their immediate family, or any other friends or relatives, from their association with NBDF. (This shall not apply to the salary and benefits an employee of NBDF derives from such employment.)
10. Shall immediately offer their resignation if their status changes so that they can no longer comply with the requirements of this policy.