Greetings music enthusiasts! This is the musician/band sign up sheet for the Stittsville Front Porch Concert Series. All musicians are welcome regardless of experience level or instrument of choice.
The event will be held on Thursday July 8, 2021 beginning at 6 p.m. Play for as little or as long as you like on your front porch/garage/driveway/whatever to share live music with your neighbours. Please note, this event may be delayed/canceled due to Covid restrictions, so we may need to work together to pivot quickly.
New this year: We will be asking hosts to indicate their playig time, as we've opened up the window for playing time so that people can catch more shows and musicians can also squeeze in some time to enjoy the music as well.
This event will be looking to support Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa an Ottawa based community service that offers mental health supports for youth between the ages of 12 - 18 and their familes. We will be asking participants to consider collecting donations, in which 100% of the money raised will be donated on behalf of the residents of Stittsville. Last year's concert raised $5,983.90 for Crossroads Children's Mental Health Centre.
Participation is completed voluntary and participants are expected to conform to City and Provincial regulations for COVID-19. As it was last year, please remember your house, your rules. You are responsible for your own behaviour and your performance space. Event organizers are not liable for any repercussions as a result of participating in this event.
Please email Sarah if you have any questions or concerns
Looking forward to brightening up the streets of Stittsville with you all :)