Possible Daily Digest feature for CS Reports

Your email was identified as being the Investigating Officer, Supervisor, or Submitted by email for a case submitted to the Utah Bureau of Forensic Services for controlled substance (CS) analysis.  We are considering sending out a daily email digest of CS cases completed that day to either the Investigating Officer, Supervisor, Submitted by and/or other email address as needed.  We are interested in your feedback if this will be helpful before we make a decision to implement this or not.  If you would please fill out this survey, or forward this survey to the people at your agency that would be affected by this change, we would appreciate it.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information:

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* 2. How often do you check UCJIS for controlled substance reports? (Choose the closest answer)

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* 3. Would you be interested in receiving a daily email digest containing all of your controlled substance cases completed that day?  (On days where no cases are completed, you would NOT receive an email.)

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* 4. If we implement this feature, which email address entered into our system (LIMS) would be the best email(s) to send the daily digest to? (check all that apply)

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* 5. Any other comments you would like to give to the controlled substance section?