Sales & Use Tax Survey
Thanks in advance for sharing your information with us!
How would you describe your organization’s understanding of the new sale and use tax laws?
We got it and we're on it!
We get it, but it's not 100 clear to us
We sort of get it, but we have a way to go
Clueless, we've got our heads in the sand
None of the above apply
Other (please specify)
What is your level of involvement in helping your organization comply with this new law?
Actively involved
Active in some aspects or serve as an advisory capacity
Not involved
Does not apply
Other (please specify)
What tool(s) are you using, if any, to assist in assessing sales, taxable products, liabilities, etc.?
Is your organization interested in working with an expert to perform a sales tax risk assessment?
Yes, we need help!
No thanks, we have things under control!
Unsure - I'm not sure how we are handling these new requirements or I'm not involved
Do you have anything to add or any questions?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered