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The Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative is partnering with the Maine Office of Behavioral Health to plan training and technical assistance in best practices and effective approaches for providing virtual training. Our goal is to support the workforce to increase comfort and confidence using virtual platforms to conduct education and training sessions that would otherwise be in person.

To help us plan this training and technical assistance, we are conducting this very brief survey to better understand the platforms being used amongst the workforce, and some of the training and technical assistance needs around translating in-person education to effective and engaging virtual offerings. 

Thank you for completing this survey, your feedback is extremely important in shaping these training offerings.  

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* 1. 1.Are you currently providing any kind of virtual trainings, educations, or presentations?

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* 2. If you answered 'Yes', in what settings are you primarily providing virtual training, education, or presentations?

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* 3. Please indicate the primary video conferencing platform you have been using for providing virtual trainings or education sessions:

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* 4. As a trainer or presenter, how competent do you feel using the features of the primary video conferencing platform you indicated above? (Scale: 1 =Complete Beginner; 3= Moderately Competent; 5 =Advanced Expert)

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* 5. As a trainer or presenter, how competent do you feel translating your in-person training or education programs to a virtual format? (Scale: 1 =Complete Beginner; 3= Moderately Competent; 5 =Advanced Expert)

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* 6. Please indicate if you would need training in the following areas (Select all that apply):

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* 7. Have you searched for guides, resources, or other supports on providing virtual training?

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* 8. Please list any resources you’ve identified that have been helpful for you. (open ended text box)

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* 9. Would you have interest in participating in a community of practice around providing virtual training?

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* 10. Additional comments?

0 of 10 answered