Invest Health Roseville Resident Survey 2017

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this resident survey to provide your thoughts about health, safety, social connection, and well-being in your neighborhood. The survey is anonymous and will be used to determine what actions can be done to improve health and safety in your neighborhood. Please complete the survey to the best of your ability.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate if you feel the statements are mostly true or mostly not true for your neighborhood.

  Mostly True Mostly Not True
I am satisfied with the physical condition of my neighborhood.
I am satisfied with the relationships I have with my neighbors.
I am satisfied with the emergency services, such as police and fire.
I am satisfied with the public services, such as trash pickup and maintenance.
I feel safe in my neighborhood.
I feel children are safe in my neighborhood.
I feel seniors are safe in my neighborhood.

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* 2. Compared to three years ago, how would you say your community has changed overall?

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* 3. How safe would you say you feel in each of the following places?

  Very safe Somewhat safe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe
In your home during the day
In your home at night
Walking in the community during the day time
Walking in the community at night
In parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor recreational areas.

Question Title

* 4. How likely would you say it is that people in your community would help out if the following occurred?

  Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely
I needed a ride somewhere
A package was delivered when I was not at home and it needed to be accepted.
I needed a favor, such as picking up mail or borrowing a tool.
An elderly neighbor needed someone to periodically check on him or her.
A neighbor needed someone to take care of a child in an emergency.

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* 5. Thinking about Weber Park in terms of safety and social activity, what improvements would you like to see in Weber Park?

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* 6. What activities would you like to see take place in Weber Park?

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* 7. If you could reimagine Weber Park, what would it look like and what changes would you make?

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* 8. What are you willing to do to improve Weber Park?

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* 9. For information purposes, and to ensure the entire neighborhood is represented, please answer the following demographic questions:
Age Range

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* 10. For information purposes, and to ensure the entire neighborhood is represented, please answer the following demographic questions:

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* 11. For information purposes, and to ensure the entire neighborhood is represented, please answer the following demographic questions:

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* 12. For information purposes, and to ensure the entire neighborhood is represented, please answer the following demographic questions:
Primary Language Spoke at Home

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* 13. For information purposes, and to ensure the entire neighborhood is represented, please answer the following demographic questions:
Name of the Roseville Street you live on:

Question Title

* 14. Do you have any additional thoughts on how to work together to improve your neighborhood?

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* 15. If you would like to participate in a focus group to provide additional comments, please provide your name and contact information: