2022 ATS Membership Survey

1.What is the primary reason that you maintain your ATS membership?
2.How important were the following benefits to you when you decided to join the ATS? Check all that apply.
3.What other factors impacted your original decision to join ATS?
4.Please  select up to three things ATS could do differently as an organization so that it provides a better value to you as a member:
5.Check all that apply. I belong to:
6.What issues concern you professionally? Check all that apply.
7.If you belong to an Assembly or Section, please select all the activities that you participate in
8.Aside from assemblies indicate the ways you are engaged with ATS. Check all that apply.
9.What are the greatest barriers to your getting involved with ATS Assemblies?
10.What could ATS do to make you feel more engaged as a member?
11.What is the likelihood you will renew your ATS membership in the coming year?
12.What is the primary reason you will not renew your membership? Select all that apply.
13.How did you first learn about ATS? Select one.
14.How likely are you to attend an in person ATS event? Select one.
15.How likely are you to attend a hybrid ATS Event? Select one.
16.How Likely are you attend a virtual ATS Event? Select one.
17.Do you have any additional comments or feedback that you would like to provide regarding ATS or its offerings?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered