2022 ATS Membership Survey
What is the primary reason that you maintain your ATS membership?
A mentor or director recommended you join ATS
For the distinction of belonging to a respected respiratory society
For leadership opportunities
To receive the International Conference Registration Discount
For discounts on continuing medical education programs
For the networking opportunities
To receive ATS journals
Recommended by a friend/colleague/division chief/training program director
I am not currently a member
How important were the following benefits to you when you decided to join the ATS? Check all that apply.
Networking opportunities
Obtain a new position/career advancement
Discounts on educational programs
Volunteer opportunities
Opportunity to present my research
Employer paid for my membership
CE/CME/Maintenance of Certification
A colleague’s recommendation
Professional/personal growth
Join community of peers
Access to scientific articles published in ATS journals
Opportunity for scholarly and academic activities
Grant funding opportunities
What other factors impacted your original decision to join ATS?
Please select up to three things ATS could do differently as an organization so that it provides a better value to you as a member:
Increase scientific research scholarships, grants, awards
Provide more transitional awards for PhDs hoping to enter academic faculty positions
Provide mores skills-based education
Provide more opportunities for policy and advocacy involvement
Provide more opportunities for mentoring, collaboration, and networking
Greater continuity with organizational strategic planning and goals
Provide more personalized content and activities that can be customized based on individual interests
Provide more resources for patients and caregivers
Provide more content and support for medical educators
Devote additional resources to the development, dissemination, and implementation of clinical practice guidelines
Check all that apply. I belong to:
No Assembly or Section
Assembly on Allergy, Immunology & Inflammation
Assembly on Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR)
Assembly on Critical Care (CC)
Assembly on Clinical Problems (CP)
Assembly on Environmental, Occupational & Population Health (EOPH)
Assembly on Microbiology, Tuberculosis & Pulmonary Infections (MTPI)
Assembly on Nursing (NUR)
Assembly on Pediatrics (PED)
Assembly on Pulmonary Circulation (PC)
Assembly on Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)
Assembly on Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology (RCMB
Assembly on Respiratory Structure & Function (RSF)
Assembly on Sleep & Respiratory Neurobiology (SRN)
Assembly on Thoracic Oncology (TO)
Section on Genetics & Genomics (GG)
Section on Medical Education (ME)
Section on Terrorism & Inhalation Disasters (TID)
What issues concern you professionally? Check all that apply.
Finding a work/life balance/wellness
Payer reimbursement/RVU generation
Engagement within a scientific community
Professional growth and leadership opportunities
Practice automation/electronic medical records
Staff recruiting and retention
Time management and prioritization
Staying current with CE/CME requirements
Staying current on Maintenance of Certification
Staying up-to-date on new guidelines
Staying up-to-date with current research
Opportunities for professional networking
Opportunities for academic advancement/promotion
Staying up-to-date with advances in procedures
Staying current on advocacy issues
Obtaining research funding
Personal compensation/salary
Eliminating health disparities
None of the above
If you belong to an Assembly or Section, please select all the activities that you participate in
Assembly Committees
Working Groups
Mentorship program
Journal club
Social media
Aside from assemblies indicate the ways you are engaged with ATS. Check all that apply.
Submitting papers or joining the editorial board of an ATS Journal
Leadership opportunities within an ATS Assembly, Working Group, or Section
Attendee of the International Conference
Presenter at the International Conference
Abstract submitter at the International Conference
Exhibit Hall Exhibitor
Official documents
Best of ATS Video Lecture Series
Grant/award/scholarship recipient
Other (please specify)
What are the greatest barriers to your getting involved with ATS Assemblies?
I do not understand Assemblies
I don't know who to contact to learn about opportunities to get involved in Assemblies’ or Committee activities
When I try to get involved in an Assembly or Committee, I do not receive any reply or further information
I am not interested in getting involved with the Assemblies’ activities
I am too busy outside of the Conference
My Assembly is too large
I do not know what opportunities exist outside my Assembly
I have not found there to be any barriers
Other (please specify)
What could ATS do to make you feel more engaged as a member?
What is the likelihood you will renew your ATS membership in the coming year?
Extremely unlikely to renew- Go to question 12
Unlikely to renew- Go to question 12
Somewhat likely to renew
Extremely likely to renew
It is not up to me, it is up to my employer
What is the primary reason you will not renew your membership? Select all that apply.
This question does not apply to me
It is too expensive to maintain my membership
I am unaware of all the benefits of maintaining my membership
Information received is not relevant to my interest area
I am not rewarded for maintaining my membership
I was not satisfied with my membership experience
I am no longer in the field/industry
I can obtain the same benefits from other sources
My employer will not pay for my membership
I belong to another association with an overlapping value and mission
Dues are too high for the benefits gained through membership
I joined for the International Conference discount
No time to take advantage of ATS products/services
Other (please specify)
How did you first learn about ATS? Select one.
Online search (Google, Safari, etc.)
Friend (who is not a co-worker)
ATS meeting
ATS publication
ATS social media site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Email from ATS
Professor or program director
I do not recall
Other (please specify)
How likely are you to attend an in person ATS event? Select one.
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
How likely are you to attend a hybrid ATS Event? Select one.
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
How Likely are you attend a virtual ATS Event? Select one.
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Do you have any additional comments or feedback that you would like to provide regarding ATS or its offerings?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered