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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is the name of your organization or business?

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* 3. What modes, and to what degree, do you utilize in your supply chain? If you are representing a region, to which degree is each of these used in your region?

  Frequently Sometimes Rarely or Never
Rail carload
Rail IMX
Integrated (e.g., UPS or FedEx)

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* 4. If you ship or receive goods, who manages your freight logistics? (please check all that apply)

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* 5. Please tell us about the inbound shipments to your facilit(ies) in Maine. What commodities? Where do they typically come from, and how do they get to you? How does this freight move: Individual packages, less-than-truckload, truckload, LTL, TL, rail carload, intermodal, etc.?

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* 6. Please tell us about the outbound shipments from your facilit(ies) in Maine. What commodities? Where are they going, and how do they get to there? What volumes do they typically move in: individual packages, less-than-truckload, truckload, rail carload, etc.?

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* 7. Is your operation in Maine similar or different to operations elsewhere? If so, how and why?

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* 8. Beyond the short-term impacts of COVID-19, how has your supply chain changed over the past five (5) years? Are issues such as technology, labor, transportation system performance, international trade relationships, etc. impacting your business? If so, how?

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* 9. What are the most important Maine state-owned transportation assets, or segments, (stretches of road or rail, interchanges and intersections, parking and rest facilities, etc.) in Maine for your business?

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* 10. Describe any freight bottlenecks in the state. Examples include congested roads, insufficient truck parking, congested border crossings, availability of air cargo capacity, poor rail infrastructure, etc.

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* 11. What are the needs, issues, or gaps that you perceive in Maine’s multi-modal freight system? These can be investments, policy changes, or state/regional/national/international trends.

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* 12. Where are there opportunities to expand or improve Maine’s freight system in the future? (These may be investments or policies)