CBAC Taking Stock Survey (2021) |
Pulse on the Culture
The purpose of this survey is to collect important data to gain a pulse from our pastors and staff on significant issues facing our churches and the broader society. The survey is open to all pastors and staff within the CBAC: full-time, part-time, ordained, lay, retired, etc.
To assist in gaining useful insights from the data (in relation to cultural topics), the survey includes basic demographic questions, which will be helpful in pulling out patterns and trends within the data. The survey is anonymous, and no effort will be made to identify individuals. However, if you are concerned that the demographic questions could be used to identify you, feel free to skip some or all of these questions. The main objective of the survey is to gain an overall or big picture view of culture topics within the Baptist churches of Atlantic Canada.
To assist in gaining useful insights from the data (in relation to cultural topics), the survey includes basic demographic questions, which will be helpful in pulling out patterns and trends within the data. The survey is anonymous, and no effort will be made to identify individuals. However, if you are concerned that the demographic questions could be used to identify you, feel free to skip some or all of these questions. The main objective of the survey is to gain an overall or big picture view of culture topics within the Baptist churches of Atlantic Canada.
Thanks for your participation!
Dr. Garth Williams
Associate Executive Minster
Director, Centre for Leadership Development