2021 Competition Review - Junior Players/Parents, Coaches and Managers

Junior Players, Coaches and Managers

AKH will host a Competition Review Forum in the coming months as time and changes in Alert Levels allow. Representatives from Clubs will be invited to attend the forum. To inform discussion at this forum we are very interested in hearing from individual teams and thus the critical mass of AKH stakeholders.

This survey page is for Junior Players/Parents, Coaches and Managers.
1.We are happy with the length of the season
2.We like the current AKH Junior grade format
3.How do you rate the rule changes trialled this year?
Very Good
Kiwi Sticks and Kwik Sticks 6aside - PC replaced with 1v1 shootout
Kwik Sticks - Penalty Corners changed to PC Light
Kwik Sticks - 6 aside games
4.Which Junior grade did you play/coach/manage?
5.Which club or school are you from?
6.In the circumstances of changing alert levels and lockdowns we find ourselves in what is your preference for completing the season?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered