Question Title

* Name of organisation and email (optional)

Question Title

* How many people does your organisation or branch employ?

Question Title

* UK and overseas markets 
Excluding seasonal variations, over the past 3 months...

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
UK sales/custom/bookings have...
UK orders/advance custom/bookings have...
Overseas sales/custom/bookings have...
Overseas orders/advance custom/bookings have...
Please note: only complete the overseas questions if you are an exporter

Question Title


Question Title

* Labour Force

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
Over the past 3 months, has your workforce...
Over the next 3 months, do you expect your workforce to...

Question Title


Question Title

* Recruitment

  Yes No
Have you attempted to recruit staff over the past 3 months?

Question Title

* If yes, were they for:

Question Title


Question Title

* Recruitment difficulties

  Yes No
Did you experience any difficulties finding suitable staff?

Question Title

* If yes, for which of the following categories of employee:

Question Title


Question Title

* Cash flow and investment

  Increased Remained Constant Decreased
Over the past 3 months, cash flow has...
Over the past 3 months, investment plans for plant/machinery/equipment have...
Over the past 3 months, investment plans for training have...

Question Title


Question Title

* Business Confidence

  Improve Remain the same Worsen
Over the next 12 months, do you believe turnover will...
Over the next 12 months, do you believe profitability will...

Question Title


Question Title

* Capacity

  Full Capacity Below Capacity
Are you currently operating at...

Question Title


Question Title

* Prices/Costs

  Increase Remain the Same Decrease
Over the next 3 months, do you expect the price of your good/services to...

Question Title


Question Title

* Is your business currently suffering pressures to raise its prices from any of the following? (please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* Please indicate which of these following factors are more of a concern to your business than 3 months ago (please tick all that apply)

Question Title


Question Title

* Contact Email address (optional)

For the full QES results going back to 1989, broken down by size of business, sector and region, visit