Play the Organ Year 2025

Dear Play the Organ Year Event Organiser,

Thank you for your invaluable contribution to Play the Organ Year 2025. Your dedication has been instrumental in promoting organ music and inspiring new enthusiasts.

To help us assess the impact of this initiative and enhance future programs, we kindly request your participation in a brief survey. Your insights will provide essential feedback on your experiences and the effectiveness of the resources provided.

The survey comprises several questions and should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. All questions are optional, except for Q4 requesting the number of individuals introduced to the organ (please provide your best estimate if not certain) and Q13 requesting an email address (which is solely to confirm this as a genuine submission – your responses will remain confidential and be used solely for evaluative purposes).

We greatly appreciate your time and input.


The Play the Organ Year Team
1.How did you find out about Play the Organ Year? (Tick as many as relevant).
2.What type of event(s) or activity did you organise for Play the Organ Year? (Tick as many as relevant).
3.Where did your event(s) take place?
4.Approximately how many individuals did you introduce to playing the organ through your event(s) or activity?(Required.)
5.How many organists were involved in your event(s) or activity?
6.How useful did you find the Play the Organ Year organiser resources? (On a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 represents not useful and 5 represents extremely useful).
7.Did you encounter any challenges while organising your event(s)?
8.Do you have suggestions for how the RCO and its partner organisations could support you in organising further outreach events and activities in the future?
9.How likely would you be to participate in similar initiatives in the future? (On a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 represents highly unlikely and 5 represents highly likely).
10.What impact do you believe Play the Organ Year had on raising awareness and appreciation for organ music in your community? (On a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 represents low impact and 5 represents high impact).
11.In summary, and looking across the whole campaign, how would you rate the Play the Organ Year initiative on a scale of 1 to 10? (1 represents the lowest score and 10 represents the highest).
12.Please share any additional comments or feedback about your experience with Play the Organ Year.
13.Please provide an email address to validate your submission (not for publication)(Required.)
14.Please confirm whether you would be happy for the organisers of Play the Organ Year to contact you via this email address regarding any of the feedback you have provided in this survey.