Beyond community visioning … please take a few minutes to answer these questions and help the City Council plan for the future. Thank you.

Question Title

1. Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with each area of the City of Glidden.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A
Police Protection
Fire Protection
Aquatic Center
Wellness Center
City Council
City Office
Streets/Public Works
Water/Sewer Service
Electric Service
Garbage Service
Storm Water Service

Question Title

2. Please rate the following services (or suggested services) in regards to importance.

  Extreme Priority High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Not a Priority N/A
Business Recruitment
Low-cost Lots for New Housing
Housing Down Payment Assistance
Owner-Occupied Housing Rehab Grants
Nuisance Abatement (eliminating barking dogs, junk cars, etc)
More Recreational Programs (child or adult)
Keeping Property Taxes the Same or Lower
Expand Business Incentives (i.e. low interest loans, specialized financing, etc)
Better Customer Service

Question Title

3. Below are some projects that have been discussed by the City Council or suggested by members of the community. Please rate the following projects on level of importance.

  Extreme Priority High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Not a Priority N/A
Highway 30 Corridor Safety Enhancements (Casey's turning lane)
Northland Park- Fishing Pier
Create a Youth Center
Create an Assisted Living Facility
Downtown Revitalization (Decorative Lighting, Hanging Storefront Signs, Canopies, Brick Restoration)
Pop-up Ice Skating Rink
Create a golf course or mini golf course