Womancake Community Survey

Your feedback will help us create awesome content for you!

1.Which of the following media have you engaged with in the past two weeks (choose all that apply):
2.What types of content have you engaged with in the past 3 months? (choose all that apply)
3.Please select your age:
4.What type of recommendations have you sought out in the past three months?
5.Please select the topics you enjoy reading about (check all that apply):
6.What terms you associate with aging (choose 3):
7.When you think of female public figures over age 40 who are flourishing and powerful, who comes to mind?
8.If you have signed up for a media subscription in the past 3 months, what prompted you to sign up?
9.Please select the gender you most identify with:
10.When accessing online content: do you prefer: 
11.What is your annual salary?
12.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered