The Professional Engineer as Expert Witness

PEO is currently reviewing our The Professional Engineer as an Expert Witness guideline.

We would like to ask your assistance in completing our survey by October 23, 2024.

This guideline is intended to provide guidance for practitioners about their specific obligations to various parties when asked to testify on behalf of a client before a court or a tribunal; as well as the conduct expected of professional engineers in these situations. Please review the guideline and share your thoughts as they relate to the following questions.

Thank you in advance for contributing to the PEO guideline.
1.How relevant is acting as an expert witness to the practice of professional engineering?
Not Relevant
Slightly Relevant
Moderately Relevant
Very Relevant
2.In what situations do professional engineers act as an expert witness? (e.g. Civil suit, PEO Disciplinary hearing, Ministry hearing, Coroner’s Inquest, criminal trial, Ontario Land Tribunal)?
3.What issues or concerns do you see with providing expert witness evidence and testimony?
4.How are those issues or concerns addressed?
5.Are there any issues or practices related to professional engineers who serve as expert witnesses that you would like to see addressed in the guideline?