BAAITS Events Survey Many thanks for supporting BAAITS! Let us know what you thought about the recent events. It will only take a minute! Question Title * 1. Please check the date/event you are reporting on (complete a separate survey for each event): Mon Feb 5: Online Talking Circle Tues Feb 6: Online Two Spirit Writers Panel Weds Feb 7: Online Snag Night Thurs Feb 8: State of the Two Spirit Movement Panel & Dinner Thurs Feb 8: Water Ceremony at Baker Beach Fri Feb 9: Brush Arbor Gurlz 20th Anniversary Show Fri Feb 9: Hand Drum Contest, Potluck and Draw Sat Feb 10: BAAITS Two Spirit Powwow Sun Feb 11: Two Spirits Rock: Live IndigeQueer Performances & Brunch Question Title * 2. How did you learn about the event? Email Newsletter Word of mouth Facebook Other social media platforms Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Was this the first experience attending a BAAITS event? Yes No Question Title * 4. Please indicate your agreement with the following statements Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Strongly agree Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Agree Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Neither Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Disagree Because I attended this event, I want to be more involved in the Indigenous LGBTIQQ community. Strongly disagree Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Strongly agree Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Agree Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Neither Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Disagree Attending this event made me proud of who I am. Strongly disagree Question Title * 5. What did you like about the event? Question Title * 6. How could the experience be improved for you or others? Question Title * 7. Feel free to offer comments, suggestions, or observations. We would like to ask a few demographic questions here to help us plan for the future. Question Title * 8. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 9. What is your sexual identity? Two-Spirit Lesbian Gay Bisexual Queer Intersex Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What is your gender? Two-Spirit Transgender Gender Nonconforming Non-binary Female Male Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What is your racial identity? White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian or Asian American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Middle Eastern/North African Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Where do you live? San Francisco Oakland Berkeley San Jose Marin Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. What is your zip code? Question Title * 14. If you are Indigenous, do you... know your Tribal affiliation? know your cultural traditions and events? feel connected to your culture? want to learn more about Tribal history and culture? Question Title * 15. In the past six months, check any of the situations you have experienced. Unemployment Homelessness Needing medical care Food insecurity Engaged in survival sex Incarcerated Drug overdose Suicidal ideations or attempt Anxiety, depression or other mental health issue Other (please specify) Done